Summer Skin Care: Protect, Hydrate and Shine!

As the sun soars, your skin requires a little extra TLC to stay healthy and glowing. Lindsay Kusy, beauty expert with over a decade of experience and owner of Diva Den Day Spa, shares some essential summer skincare tips.

First and foremost, protect your skin from the harmful UV rays. Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30, and remember to reapply it every two hours. Don't forget about the often overlooked areas such as your ears, back of your neck, and the tops of your feet.

For a quick, on-the-go refresh, try our hydration sticks. Just a swipe will replenish your skin's moisture, combating the drying effects of summer heat and air conditioning. These compact lifesavers are easy to carry and instantly revitalise your skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

Speaking of hydration, don't forget your lips. The intense summer heat can leave them dry and chapped. Regular application of lip balm will lock in moisture and shield your lips.

Summer is the perfect time for gardening enthusiasts, but don't let your hands suffer. Ensure you wash them thoroughly post-gardening to remove any dirt and bacteria. Regularly moisturise with a nutrient-rich hand cream and hydrating cuticle oil to keep your skin soft and supple and help with those annoying hangnails.

Lastly, summer sandals can expose your feet to harsh elements, leading to dry, cracked heels. Maintain regular foot care practices, such as soaking your feet in warm water with soothing salts and using a foot file to gently remove dead skin. Follow up with a good moisturiser to help soothe, lock in moisture and prevent cracked heels. Summers are busy and if your foot care is hard to fit in, it may be easier to book in for regular pedicures every 4-6 weeks. Keeping your feet in great condition while you play all summer long.

With these tips, you can enjoy the summer while keeping your skin radiant and healthy. Diva Den Day Spa is here to help you achieve your beauty goals this season and beyond. Stay sun-smart and beautiful, divas!


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